for catering services
Research and ideation for a better online catering booking experience.
Dec 2022 - Feb 2023
Native app
My role
Researcher & designer
Project overview
‘YUM.’ - A mobile application designed for locating and reserving catering services based on specific criteria such as location, tags, and availability. This app facilitates communication and appointment scheduling with caterers. Additionally, it allows users to personalize their event menus by selecting and customizing individual items.
To add a unique twist, I plan to incorporate the concept of the Tinder app feature into my app. Users can match with available caterers by swiping left or right, recognizing that ‘Love comes from the tummy’.
Love comes from the tummy
Love comes from the tummy ❤️
Current product problem:
Traditional wedding and catering services
After conducting secondary research with basic search terms like “catering services nearby”, I found that the results did not provide the comprehensive information I needed. I was unable to determine key details such as:
The duration of tasting sessions
Estimated costs for a wedding with 100 guests
How to source a diverse Asian food menu for my special day
User research
User research played a crucial role in understanding users’ needs and their experiences while utilizing the product. Conducting interviews with previous users revealed the challenges they faced during wedding planning.
Problem statement
The market is lacking of a trustworthy and time efficient platform for booking a caterer that clients can choose and connect with.
Primary persona: Bing Smith
A busy mother, pressed for time, urgently seeks a caterer before the upcoming Wednesday to accommodate her hectic work and family life. She requires the ability to communicate with the caterer, set up menu tastings, and schedule appointments, all conveniently managed through a single application.
Secondary persona: Teddy Ng
A busy high school teacher who needs to find a caterer urgently as well because his wedding is in 2 months. This persona also needs to find a special group of caterers online, not just any of available ones.
Ideation and wireframes creation
Bing has a wedding coming and she needs a caterer. She recently found an application called ‘YUM.’ and decided to give it a go. Bing uses ‘caterer’ filters such as availability, location, cuisine choices, etc. After logging in, Bing starts to choose caterers and finally chats and books an appointment. Bing will attend the tasting sessions with the time and location provided by the caterer through the app.
User flow - Bing Smith
Open the app and start from homescreen to view and select caterers. Choose caterer and start communication and booking.
Paper wireframes — Selection screen
Users can view the most important information such as images of dishes, the caterer’s name, and a short introduction.
Users can choose either Yes or No for each caterer for matching.
Digital wireframes — Selection screen
Displaying images of dishes, caterer’s name and short introduction.
Photos of dishes to catch user’s attention
Basic info of caterer
Selection buttons for user
The chosen typography for the app will strike a balance between simplicity and elegance, ensuring a refined and user-friendly aesthetic.
The primary color theme for the app will be a blend of regal and contemporary elements to instill a sense of trust and modernity among the users.
User testing
Research goals:
Determining if users can effectively execute the planned task flow, resulting in time savings and heightened user engagement. Additionally, we seek to identify any obstacles users may face when searching for and communicating with caterers.
User testing round 1 findings
Users want a better way to view caterer profiles and availability.
Users want a better logic and layout of menus and appointments.
Users want some suggestions and promotions for the service.
User testing round 2 findings
Users have trouble understanding the caterer’s information on caterer profile page
Users have trouble navigating between steps at appointment booking
Final mockups
Dominant view of photo with icon, new selection buttons, added footer menu
Bigger tiles to show more info of caterer, availability is in list form for better view
Going forward
What I’ve learned
I've acquired valuable insights into design systems and developed a more user-centered perspective. The key lesson I've taken away is that what I assume or perceive may not always align with the users' perspectives. As a result, I've come to recognize that usability testing and thorough research are indispensable components of the design thinking and development process.
The caterer app aims to reduce the inconvenience and apprehension users often feel when reaching out to multiple caterers simultaneously, which can be an intimidating process. It acts as a bridge, facilitating connections between caterers and users, thereby promoting services and saving valuable time for both parties.
Next steps
I plan to incorporate introductory assistance to guide beginners in using the app effectively.
I will enhance the details in the sign-up process for a more comprehensive user experience.
Additionally, I aim to develop chat and appointment management functions within the app to further enhance its utility.
Full report for this case study
Thank you
Thank you for spending your precious time to view my case study ‘Catering app’ and understand more about my work. I also have a longer version of this case study where I include more detailed research and the design process for creating this native app. If you are interested, click the button to view more.
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